Monday, January 21, 2013

12th Anniversary

Mark and I had a very nice anniversary yesterday. In the morning I had a hair appointment (one must keep the grey away).  Once I was home Mark and I headed out to a shopping area that is very near Canal City. We had previously been to that area, and we remembered seeing an art shop. We were shopping for silk. A silk painting to hang on our wall. We found a beautiful silk scroll that has an area for a picture. The best part is that we can switch the picture. The colors are soft and it helps the picture become the focal point.

We looked around at the shops and then decided we were ready to eat. We both were looking forward to eating at Mr. Kebab, but one never knows if it will be open or not. We decided to take the gamble. As luck would have it, the restaurant was open. The owner knows us and always remembers that I am a vegetarian. He let us know that in two weeks he will be having a new dinner menu with even more vegetarian selections. Now we will have to go back in two weeks.

After our late lunch we headed back to Meinohama. Mark and I treated ourselves to a few small, but yet decadent desserts. They always look so beautiful, but we never really need to have them just for the fun of it. I have to say that they were so much better than I had expected. Normally, the sweets in Japan are not nearly as sweet as the ones in the states. To many people this is a good thing. I unfortunately love the "sweet" sweets. These were rich and creamy and sooooo satisfying. Delicious to say the least!

Once home we did a few things around the apartments and then watched To Rome with Love. It is a Woody Allen movie. Very different, but with great scenery since it is shot in Rome. It was nice seeing places that Mark and I have been.

It was a great day celebrating the couple that we are. Bring on anniversary 13.

Ciao for now.

I will post the photos in a moment. My blog is having some difficulties this evening.

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