Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Today my mother and I went to Dazaifu to explore the shrine. We were very fortunate because there was a special event or celebration going on today.
Dazaifu Tenman-gu Shrine enshrines Sugawara Michizane (845-903) as the god of academic achievement.

We spent the majority of the day walking around the property of Dazaifu. We stopped in the Starbucks for a little refreshment. Once we had more energy we hit the shops and found some nice items.

We then headed back to Tenjin where we switched trains and went to Hakata. I was able to introduce my mother to the huge food market on the lower level. There are a variety of foods, but we stuck to some fresh baked breads to take home.

There was a lot going on today, but I am a little tired and ready to relax. Hopefully, I can come back into my blog tomorrow and update information. The typhoon that is going by right now is causing strong winds which is making my apartment sound like a wind tunnel.

More to come later…

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