Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fukuoka Tower

What a windy day! This morning when we woke up it was very cloudy and VERY windy. We were not sure what we were going to do today since we did not want to go to the Fukuoka Tower if it was stormy. The view would not have been very good.

Mark rode down to the Sports Depot at Marinoa City to see if he could buy a bike rack. When he got back the sky was clearing up. We decided that we would not ride our bikes because I didn't want to get blown over. We first went to the post office near our school in order to send money home to the states. It is a very complicated task. Hopefully, it will get easier in the future. We have to get cash to take there and them complete the paperwork and fill in all of the money orders. They limit the amount of money that you can send per money order. We ended up sending 5 money orders to my mom. This is the way we have to do it until we get the necessary banking info from the location in the states. My mom gets the money orders in the mail and then she can deposit them. After this, we should be able to send it straight to our bank.

Once we finished our task at the post office (and survived the brutal heat in the post office) we headed to the Fukuoka Tower. Today was our first time going up in the tower. I do want to go one day around sunset time and then stay to get photos of the lights of the city.

The air was pretty clear since it was windy. It was a beautiful day and it was so nice to see the city from   so high up. The leaves around the area were changing and you could tell it was a beautiful autumn day.

The tower is 234 meters high. They have three levels of observation areas. The 5th floor observation area is 123 meters. They have a Halloween area on the 5th floor where you can dress up and have your photo taken. That was not going on when we were there. The 4th observation area is a lounge where you can have a drink, and the 3rd observation area has the Lovers Sanctuary.

I have included a lot of different photos from our birds eye view.

When we left the tower we visited Bon Repas (a nice grocery store) and then ate at Mr. Kebab. Mr. Kebab is one of my favorite restaurants because they have vegetarian dishes that are made from scratch. After that we hit the Praliva (SP?) shops where I finally found my jasmine tea.

Mark and I at the Lovers Sanctuary.

The Lovers Sanctuary.

Ground floor looking up into the tower.

Locks that are written on in the Lovers Sanctuary.

Mark enjoying the view.

Our destination....Fukuoka Tower.

Our apartment building is the one in the middle that looks the tallest.

Crowded bike parking lot.

Close up.....bikes blown over by the wind.

This one is for you Mel!

Hmmm....which one should I choose?

Looking up into the tower from the ground floor.

The Halloween area.

Great views!

Looking north.

North view

Looking out towards the north.

Marina area.

Momochi Beach

Great view looking south.

Looking west

Looking east


The Hilton......what a view.

Looking out the windows.

Nice area with an events area (wedding receptions, etc.)

Close up shot


Which one???

What are these???
Enjoy the photos.

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