Monday, October 22, 2012

Shrine and Temple Tour

Today Mark and I decided to head out to the Hakata area to have a look at the temples and shrines that we visited for the lantern festival. Since we had never seen them in the daytime we figured it would be a nice day to be outside and explore the area.

Our first stop was the Kushida Shrine. There is so much to see within the property of the shrine. I have a lot of photos in the blog today. I guess they can be overwhelming for some people, but I just thought that so many of them could portray the beauty and serenity of the areas.

I have photos with the explanations for the shrines/temples when they were available so that you all could read the story behind the buildings. Most of the temple and shrine areas have their own cemeteries. The cemeteries are beautiful to look at. I know they represent the death of those within, but to see them from a distance they are very grand.

We were able to visit the Kushida Shrine, the Tochoji Temple and the Jotenji Temple. We also when to another one that was much smaller than most. The Tochoji Temple has the powerful wooden seated Buddha. I was able to go in and get a few photos.

We really had a nice time walking around the Hakata area and visiting the sites. What I find funny is how the Kushida Shrine is directly across from Canal City which is a very large shopping area.

After we walked around for about four hours we headed to Canal City to eat. We were fortunate enough to find a restaurant that had food for me, too. We both had a delicious lunch and then hit the shopping area we saw on Saturday. We found some basil plants and snack grass for the cats. Once We got home I rode my bike to get a pot and some soil to plant the three basil plants. If all goes well we will have fresh (free) basil all year!

I also added some photos from Sunday's lunch at Marinoa City.

I have not written as much about this adventure because it mostly was about what we were seeing. I hope you all enjoy the photos. Just know there are a lot of them.

More to come tomorrow.

Kushida Shrine

Kushida Shrine

Bell at Tochoji Temple

Kushida Shrine




Very old cemetery

Bell close up

Kushida Shrine

Kushida Shrine

Mini decorated for the wedding couple

Detail from an ancient building.

Entrance to the Kushida Shrine

Walkway to prayer area.


Garden area

Wooden seated Buddha

Canal City

Canal City

Within the Kushida Shrine property

Cemetery within the Kushida Shrine

Looking into the Kushida Shrine area

Kushida Shrine

koi fish

Decorated float

Majestic horse

Temple sign

Mark at lunch seaside at Il Forno.

Mark outside of the temple.

Mark ringing the bell.

Notre Dame....(It is not a real church, but an area to have a western wedding/reception)



Kushida Shrine entrance

Scroll paintings

Handmade and hand painted lanterns.

Rainbow roses

Reception area at Marinoa City.

Temple info

Close up of info

Reception area

Statue outside of temple

Temple entrance

Sky wheel

Tochoji Temple Pagoda

Tochoji Temple info

Tochoji Temple

Cranes in front of the Kushida Shrine
Old stone structure at the Kushida Shrine.

I almost thought I was back in Arizona today at Canal City.

Tochoji Temple

In the Kushida Shrine area

View from our table at Il Forno.

Marina side table

Washing area at the temple.

Statue in the temple area

Walkway to the temple/shrine area.

Washing area at Tochoji Temple.

Kushida Shrine

Temple area

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