Monday, August 6th.....I'm melting!!!
Well, it is official........I AM MELTING!!!!!!!!!! Do not worry though, I shall live through this. I can't believe how hot and humid it was here today. It is so odd to feel so hot and sticky the whole day. I am really looking forward to late September and early October. When I last checked the weather here said 92 degrees with 59% humidity. I guess this is going to be the thing that I have to learn to live with until the cooler weather comes.
Unfortunately as of right now, 4:45 PM on August 6th, I have not heard any news on the apartment situation. I wish the people would just contact us to let us know yes or no. I am happy to take the other apartment, but I do not want to wait too long and lose both of them. Hopefully I will hear something tomorrow. Everyone needs to send positive thoughts my way. Thanks!!!
Today was not really a very productive day, but I did get to learn more about the school and help Robin arrange her office. The really big news is that we all went and bought our mode of transportations today. Yes, you guessed it...we all bought new cars!!!! Just kidding, we all bought bikes. Now, those of you who know me know that I am not very experienced when it comes to bikes. I did survive the ride home from the bike shop. It sure does help when you can get places quicker. Less time to melt in the sun. I am actually looking forward to my adventures on my bike. Who wants to guess what color of bike I bought? If you said purple you would not be correct. I wanted a purple bike but it had already been purchased. If you said PINK you are correct. I have such a cute girly bike. I will get photos of it to post tomorrow. It is down with all of the other bikes, and I really don't want to go back outside right now. Tomorrow I will see if I can have someone take my picture on my bike. My goal is to not get too lost and to not break or hurt any part of my body. Let's see how the goal works out for me.
I had a great Skyping day today. I have been getting up around 6:00 here so I turn my computer and Skype with my family. Mark and I have been able to Skype each day. I also talked to my mother, grandmother and uncle Robert. My sister had Skyped with me earlier today for a short time. She stays up late each night so I am able to Skype with her longer when I get home in the afternoon. We were able to talk for quite awhile tonight. I really like this Skype thing. If you all out there have a Skype account send me an invitation to connect with you. My Skype address is mindi2302.
I am off to read for a little bit. I am trying to finish up a book today so I can begin reading a new one tomorrow. I get a lot more read not having TV. Don't misunderstand me; I do have a TV in my room I just do not understand anything that is on. Maybe one day. I might actually do a lesson on my Rosetta Stone tonight, too. The more I learn the better I will be.
More to come......
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